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We’re getting to the juicy stuff now. PvPvE is one of Aion’s unique features. Aion’s PvPvE takes place in the Abyss, a Level 25+ zone where players wage war to control Fortresses, Artifacts, and Dredgions. Fortresses are castle sieges, where NPCs are involved as well, Artifacts are objectives which give buffs to the controlling force, and Dredgions are instances where players face off against each other with the added challenge of having to defeat NPCs.

PvP in the Abyss rewards players with Abyss Points, which are used to increase a player’s Abyss Rank and purchase weapons, armor, and Advanced Stigmas (unique skills). Increases in Abyss Rank also changes the appearance of a player’s wings. However, Abyss Points can be lost by being defeated.

Aion First Look

Other forms of PvP include Dueling and Rifting. Dueling is the classic mechanic that allows players to fight players from their own faction, while Rifting allows players to travel between Elyos and Asmodian zones in order to slaughter each other and shut down questing through excessive ganking.

Rifts open up on a fixed schedule and they stay open for an hour. There are no level limits and entry rifts have specific locations, while exit rifts have two or three possible spawn locations. There are also defense quests, which entice players from both sides to participate in these events. Rifts can be sidestepped by players looking to level up in peace by switching to a Fast Track server.

Aion Key Features: 

  • Loads of Content – game is updated with large patches, where level cap is raised and new zones/continents are added.
  • Extensive Character Creation – one of the most detailed character creation processes in MMORPGs.
  • Tons of Features – Aion has many different in-game systems that offer a variety of options, from mounts, pets, plastic surgery, gender changes, professions, and more.
  • Unique PvPvE – fight against your enemy faction while also fighting against NPCs in The Abyss.
  • Great Soundtrack – awesome music will accompany you as you explore Atreia.